C-GUARD ManPack - Modular Reactive Jammer

A single back-packed jammer against IED & Drone threats

C-Guard Reactive Modular ManPack is the next generation of Netline’s market-leading reactive Man Pack. This advanced modular system offers a lighter and smaller single-back-packed solution with powerful protection against IEDs and drones at all threatening frequencies.

C-Guard Reactive Modular ManPack provides on-the-move tactical protection in various configuration levels according to mission requirements. This first-of-its-kind solution enables multi-purpose, multi-profile capabilities activated by a simple switch.


Flexibility & Adaptability to Various Operational Scenarios

Netline’s Modular ManPack is based on more than 10 years of operational battle-proven reactive technology. Our Software Defined Radio (SDR) core uses a real-time processing engine to counter the frequency range between 20-6000MHz. It determines which transmissions pose a threat to the force under protection, enabling flexibility and adaptability to various operational scenarios, arenas and new emerging threats.

The C-Guard Reactive Modular ManPack consists of up to 5 independent replaceable modules that can cover different frequency bands. Replacement of the modules is extremely simple and can be carried out by the operating teams (O-level) with nearly zero system downtime.


C-GUARD Reactive Modular ManPack Main Features:

  • Reactive and active (hybrid) protection.
  • Loaded with multiple jamming profiles, covering different missions and purposes – selected by a simple switch.
  • Each module is a self-contained jammer for full flexibility and no downtime in the field.
  • One back, lightweight and safe system.
  • Easily upgradeable to support emerging threats and new frequencies.
  • No periodic maintenance is needed.
  • Electromagnetic & radio interference compatibility ensures communication between the forces in the field.
  • GPS time synchronization to enable cooperation between multiple C-Guard units in the arena.
  • Operates under rough environmental conditions (MIL-STD 810 certified).


Multiple Configurations According to Your Needs

Netline’s modular ManPack is available in multiple configurations according to mission requirements and field characteristics and threats.

For more information contact us.

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